Samstag, 27.07.2024 11:59 Uhr

The 65th Vienna Coffeehouse Owners Ball

Verantwortlicher Autor: Nadejda Komendantova Hofburg Palace, Vienna, 13.02.2024, 09:32 Uhr
Nachricht/Bericht: +++ Kunst, Kultur und Musik +++ Bericht 7158x gelesen

Hofburg Palace, Vienna [ENA] The 65th Vienna Coffeehouse Owners Ball was a magnificent celebration of Vienna's rich coffeehouse culture and a showcase of exceptional artistic talents. Organized by the Klub der Wiener Kaffeesieder, this prestigious event highlighted the club's commitment to preserving, promoting, and evolving Vienna's coffeehouse traditions. The evening unfolded with a delightful blend of classical music and dance performances.

The Vienna Coffeehouse Owners Ball was homage to the literary heritage associated with Vienna's iconic coffeehouses. Founded in 1955, the Klub der Wiener Kaffeesieder has served as a non-partisan advocacy group for its members, working towards the preservation and development of Vienna's coffeehouse culture. Recognized as an intangible cultural heritage by UNESCO since 2011, the club plays a pivotal role in presenting and promoting various forms of art and culture within Vienna's coffeehouses. This year's ball reflected the Klub's dedication to fostering artistic talents, featuring renowned performers from the world of classical music and dance.

The evening opened with a stellar performance by Austrian tenor David Kerber. Trained since the age of five with the Wiltener Sängerknaben, Kerber's operatic journey has been marked by collaborations with esteemed artists such as KS Angelika Kirchschlager, KS Brigitte Fassbaender, and Linda Watson. Making his operatic debut in 2019 at the Bregenzer Festspiele, Kerber has since become a fixture at the Volksoper Wien and other renowned venues. His repertoire spans from Mozart's "Zauberflöte" to Wagner's "Der fliegende Holländer," showcasing his versatility and vocal prowess.

Following Kerber's captivating performance, the stage welcomed Jasmin White, an exceptional altistin and a recognized artist from the Cherokee Nation. A graduate of the University of Southern California and the Juilliard School, White's vocal abilities have been celebrated for their virtuosity and expressive richness. Her recent achievements, including winning the Königin-Sonja-Gesangswettbewerb 2023 in Oslo and the second prize at the Königin-Elisabeth-Wettbewerb 2023 in Brussels, highlight her rising stature in the classical music scene.

The Klub der Wiener Kaffeesieder actively collaborates with coffeehouse owners, partners, and supporters to enhance the quality of offerings in Vienna's coffeehouses. This collaborative spirit, coupled with a forward-looking approach, breathes life into traditions and ensures a future-oriented perspective. An annual highlight is the Vienna Coffeehouse Owners Ball, hosted by the Klub in the majestic Hofburg Vienna, showcasing the grandeur of Vienna's coffeehouse culture.

The theme of the 65th Vienna Coffeehouse Owners Ball, "Kaffee Erlesen – Geschichten aus dem Kaffeehaus" (Coffee Refined – Stories from the Coffeehouse), encapsulates the essence of the event. The ball aimed to celebrate not only the literature associated with Vienna's coffeehouses but also the stories and encounters that unfold within these cultural hubs. The ball's artistic elements were carefully curated to reflect the theme. The collaboration with artists like Felix Vratny, Eva Yurková, Jasmin White, and Daniel Kerber showcased the Klub's commitment to discovering, presenting, and nurturing young talents across various genres.

Eva Yurková, a talented Austrian artist, was chosen to design the Julius Meinl Kunstfächer (art fan). Her creation, titled "Lilien," intertwines symbolic threads connecting the rich tradition of writing with the aromatic world of coffee. The papier-mâché flowers adorned with coffee beans symbolize the close link between coffee and creative inspiration, creating a visually stunning and meaningful centerpiece.

Building on the success of the previous year's homage to Cole Porter, the organizers dedicated an entire hall, the Hollywood Palace Metternichsaal, to celebrate the golden era of American hits, music, and songs from the 1920s to the 1960s. Under the theme "Strictly Ballroom – Hollywood Palace," this section of the ball featured non-stop live singing of American hits from the musical and film industry.

The Hollywood Palace section boasted stellar performances from acclaimed artists like Béla Fischer, Susanne Marik, Michael Mold, Rebecca Nelsen, and Julia Koci. Béla Fischer's expertise as a pianist, composer, and musical director, combined with the vocal talents of Marik, Mold, Nelsen, and Koci, created a mesmerizing journey through the glamorous world of American composers such as Cole Porter, George Gershwin, and Irving Berlin.

A notable highlight of the evening was Wiener Blond's special composition, commissioned by the Kaffeesiederinnen and Kaffeesieder. Titled "Mein Kaffee" (My Coffee), the song served as a heartfelt homage to Vienna's coffeehouse culture, capturing the essence of the event and the city's love affair with coffee. The Vienna Coffeehouse Owners Ball dedicated its charitable efforts in 2024 to supporting the Canisibus project by Caritas Wien. The Canisibus, a soup kitchen on wheels, has been providing warm meals to the homeless and economically vulnerable for over 32 years. The ball's patrons were urged to contribute to this noble cause, emphasizing the Klub's dedication to making a positive impact on the community.

The balletic prelude by Hyung-Joo Kang, First Soloist of the Vienna State Ballet, added a touch of elegance to the event. Kang's repertoire, spanning from classical ballets to contemporary works, showcased her versatility and inspired choreographers to create new pieces. Her performance at the ball was a testament to the seamless fusion of dance and cultural celebration.

The 65th Vienna Coffeehouse Owners Ball was a splendid amalgamation of tradition, artistry, and charitable endeavors. From the enchanting performances of David Kerber and Jasmin White to the artistic contributions of Eva Yurková and the electrifying atmosphere in the Hollywood Palace Metternichsaal, the ball truly celebrated Vienna's coffeehouse culture in all its facets. The Klub der Wiener Kaffeesieder succeeded in creating an unforgettable evening that not only paid homage to the city's rich heritage but also paved the way for the continued evolution of Vienna's coffeehouse traditions.

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