Dienstag, 23.04.2024 22:21 Uhr

Trustworthy news and journalism

Verantwortlicher Autor: Carlo Marino Rome , 08.08.2018, 20:40 Uhr
Nachricht/Bericht: +++ Politik +++ Bericht 8284x gelesen

Rome [ENA] Qualitative and trustworthy news and journalism available to citizens is a key priority in the support to freedom of expression and media in the European Union . The main problems in various countries of the European Union for example are: poor professional skills of journalists; limited training capacity at beneficiary level for mid- career journalists; lack of human and financial resources in the media sector.

The above mentioned analysis concerning journalism in the EU is based on the “Feasibility Study for the Establishment of a Regional Programme in Media and Journalism Training”, conducted between September and December 2016 and during which more than 80 media professionals were consulted. In addition the analysis draws on the findings of the Baseline assessment of the “Guidelines for EU support to media freedom and media integrity in the enlargement countries 2014-20”. A complex of interacting factors and dynamics are the cause of this situation.

In general, the media markets in countries starting their transition to the EU have been characterised by too many outlets coupled with a limited advertising market due to weak economic activity. This has left the majority of the media outlets in an unbearable economic condition. In parallel, a culture permitting a free and independent media based on professional journalism had to be built as part of the transition process. Independent media was established or developed by the support of international donors in the first years of the transition process.

The withdrawal of donor support left the media financially fragile, forcing them to turn for financial support to political or financial groups as a survival option. As a result, the majority of media in the Western Balkans are controlled by, or subject to, pressure from different political and financial interest groups. In many cases ownership is not transparent. As for the Public Service Media, media legislation and regulatory reforms were put in place through the support of international institutions. However there has been a slow progress in terms of structural and managerial reforms of the Public Service Media institutions.

This situation also turned out in limited progress in the quality of journalism and news reporting.It should be mentioned that in the past 10 years some top-level training in investigative journalism was introduced inthe Region. Nowadays the most comprehensive scheme is run by the Balkan Investigative Reporting Network (BIRN)5 which is providing training, professional and financial support to ensure investigative stories of high quality are produced and published.

The programme has been positioned between the basic journalism training of the academia and the top-level training scheme with the goals to increase the number of professional trained and to assist good applicants to progress in their education and career. At the moment the EU is starting the Regional Training and Support Programme to improve Quality and Professionalism in Journalism - EuropeAid/160680/DH/ACT/Multi

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