Freitag, 19.04.2024 07:46 Uhr

Going beyond acceptance

Verantwortlicher Autor: Nadejda Komendantova Kursalon Wien, 11.05.2022, 23:48 Uhr
Nachricht/Bericht: +++ Kunst, Kultur und Musik +++ Bericht 7725x gelesen

Kursalon Wien [ENA] „Going beyond acceptance“ these were the words of Gerry Kessler who was the honorable guest at the Diversity Ball together with other famous personalities. Why acceptance? Because it means passive attitude towards something which we cannot change but accept. Accepting someone in this understanding means that this person is not recognized and respected but is tolerated and accepted.

The words “going beyond acceptance” meant creation of society where everybody is respected and recognized as an individual and a valuable personality without needs for apologies and awareness raising measures to be accepted. The Diversity Ball is a real feast of life where everybody is welcome. This year the ball has a novelty – the special The Lovemore Award presented by Lifebrain Group. There are several special prices which value contribution of persons and organisations into the integration process of various social groups into public life, work and leisure time. These organisations are helping to avoid discrimination and to provide chances to everyone.

The aim of the Diversity Ball is to support diversity in our society and to show that communication between people should be based on mutual respect. This year it was the 14th Diversity Ball which took place on the 7th of May 2022 in the Kursalon Wien. The motto of the ball is “Be our Ally”. The ball was organized by the Association which was specially created to contribute to the goals of diversity, integration and acceptance. Monika Haider welcomes the ball visitors already fourteen years. The routes of the ball and its beginning go to her initiative. This year she is wearing a fascinating dress from gabarage upcycling design „upcyclend“.

This year it was the 14th Diversity Ball which took place on the 7th of May 2022 in the Kursalon Wien. The motto of the ball is “Be our Ally”. The ball was organized by the Association which was specially created to contribute to the goals of diversity, integration and acceptance. Monika Haider welcomes the ball visitors already fourteen years. The routes of the ball and its beginning go to her initiative. This year she is wearing a fascinating dress from gabarage upcycling design „upcyclend“.

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